Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to Customize Samsung Galaxy S8+ Become Better Looking

Since the millet MIX began to be a comprehensive screen and high-end machine linked to the concept of a comprehensive screen is not only appear in the earliest low-end Sharp in the top of this year's Samsung Galaxy S8 series also ushered in the so-called full screen, Samsung has always been the surface of the screen, although the upper and lower border is not the ultimate, but overall is the most coordinated and most amazing, absolutely called the best to see the phone, but this is not limited to the screen before the phone, because a Light up the screen to see such a good design is equipped with TouchWiz UI, all night back to the liberation of the. So what is the easiest way to make Samsung Galaxy S8 + look better? Just solve the Launcher, icons and wallpaper the three elements, everything will become different.

Launcher - Samsung Galaxy S8

Used friends should be more familiar with Launcher, it is Andrews system desktop starter, Andrews system UI is also collectively referred to as Launcher, so if you want to completely get rid of Samsung ugly TouchWiz UI, the first step is to download other Launcher. There are many third parties in the Play Store Launcher available for download, such as Nougat Launcher and Nova Launcher, then here is to introduce Google's own Google Now Launcher, it should be the closest to the native Andrews desktop launcher. Google Now Launcher UI design is very simple, relatively large feature is the top of the screen there will be a fixed Google search bar, a negative integration of Google Now, can be said to be very native, used friends know that Google Now very intelligent Is also very convenient, Samsung Galaxy S8 series this year, the main Bixby can actually see as Samsung's own Google Now. When we put on the new Launcher, the system interface will be earth-shaking changes, it has been successful more than half.

Icon - Samsung Galaxy S8

TouchWiz UI icon Although each update is more and more concise, but always are not round the color is very ugly, although for the Google Now Launcher, but the icon does not change, the nondescript icon with simple UI is not good-looking, so we need a picture for the skin for the software. Here to introduce the Awesome Icons, its role is very simple, that is, for the icon for the skin as a shortcut key appears in the main screen. Of course Awsome Icons is just an icon for the skin of the tool, then the need for material is the icon package, CandyCons is a very nice and practical icon package, which has a large number of system icons, color and style there is always a suitable for you, there are a small amount of Third-party redrawed icons, such as Instagram or WeChat. But there are some commonly used software without third-party redrawing icons such as microblogging, then we can only look for a package in the bag you find the right to replace, Weiyang according to the microblogging color and attributes for the selection of a orange Of the similar information icon, so that the main interface will look more coordinated. Of course, the icon package is not only CandyCons, Awesome Icons also recommended a lot of other icon package, or go to the Play Store search can be downloaded.

Wallpaper - Samsung Galaxy S8

A nice mobile phone interface is also inseparable from a nice wallpaper, a few of their own Cuto is a very useful wallpaper software, which has a large number of minority for everyone carefully selected for mobile phone wallpaper ultra-high quality pictures, the latest Weichang no antelope valley works also as the first photo from the original author boarded Cuto. So in addition to Cuto on these majestic wallpaper, there is no other sense of the design of a stronger wallpaper software? Material Islands is a typical example, from the name of it to implement the Andrews Material Design Center, although there are only eleven island-based wallpaper, such as the winter island, Easter Island or Iceland, but each Models are very delicate and very suitable with the original Andrews UI. And the use of Material Islands software to set the wallpaper, it will change according to the different time, such as around nine o'clock in the morning the sun will be hiding behind the Iceland, to create a sunrise scene. After sunrise, most of the day in the sun is high in the sky. To about five o'clock in the afternoon the sun down, you can see the sunset under the red day. Night there are stars and there are curved crescent moon, distant moon hanging in every miss your night. It can be said Material Bag is not only a simple sense of design, but also good-looking yet fun.

After these three steps, the Weiyang Samsung Galaxy S8 + has completely from the design of the ugly to the heinous TouchWiz UI to escape, no waste of Samsung Galaxy S8 series of stunning design, hope that this is closest to The original Andrews design sense of the solution can also be loved for you.

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